This bot was created for a client, after which it was named, who streamed on Twitch - a rather popular video
streaming platform. Most of the chat interface for this platform is run on IRC, so most of the internals deal
directly with it, but I based this upon an Open Source bot called
CoeBot. That means that all of the backend was already completed, but when Twitch updated their API, I ended up rewriting
parts of it anyway.
The purpose of this bot was to promote and customize the twitch chat channel; CoeBot already provided all moderation
functions for the most part, though I made many custom functions using those. I updated it daily at first,
then at least weekly based upon feedback from the client. I proposed my own ideas, which he accepted or rejected,
and I implemented anything he asked for. This bot ran on the client's computer since it used graphic elements
that he had to broadcast to his stream, i.e. the greenscreen. There was time pressure on this project since
we wanted to have the features usable immediately, so in some cases I had to create a temporary solution that
was later fixed, such as the GameWisp authentication. I had to log and back-up important information such as
'coins', a virtual currency that people took somewhat seriously, and provide resets and triggers that can be
used in case something went wrong - as well as error detection and correction when loading/saving.
The bot was capable of connecting to Twitch, Twitter, Discord, GameWisp, CleverBot, and even to my own webserver
to obtain updates. The client stopped streaming at some point, and development halted, but it is fully functional.